
How to Fix No Display / Computers Motherboard Problem?

Solution 1 – Monitor Checkup. The first thing you have to make your monitor is “Power on” and then check the  video cable is connected properly or not. You can check for loose connection by  unplugging and plug it back again. Solution 2 – Graphic Hardware Checkup If you have a graphic card installed in your motherboard, then you should remove it and  plug your monitors video cable directly to the motherboard and try to start your  computer again. If your computer starts normally that means you have a faulty graphic Solution 3 – CMOS Battery Checkup Sometimes motherboards cmos battery got drained and starts creating problems and  maybe prevent your computer to starts up. In that case you can remove your cmos  battery and try to start your computer again. If your computer starts, then change  motherboards cmos battery and try to start your computer again. Solution 4 – Ram Checkup (A) Commonly Ram must be the 90% of reason for “no display” problem, If you  have two ra

How to Enter the BIOS or CMOS Setup

How to enter the BIOS or CMOS Setup Computers manufactured in the last few years allow you to enter the BIOS setup using one of the five keys shown below during the boot process. F1 , F2 , F3 , F10 , DEL , ESC , Ctrl + Alt + Esc , Ctrl + Alt +S How to change the BOOT Sequence 1. Use the right or left key to go to boot option then use the up and down key to chose which boot device going to be use 2. Use the < + > key to move the device up which you want to use for boot !-Some of bios use F6 key or F5 or page up or page down or space bar or D or U to change value 3. Bring the specific device or required device on first 4. Save the configurations changes and exit the BIOS Setup / CMOS Setup. Utility by pressing the {F10} and then hit [ENTER] key to 'Save configuration changes and exit. How to Change SATA to IDE or IDE to SATA in BIOS After enter in bios,  1- Use the arrow pad to select an option such as "Advanced," "Integrated Peripherals"


Dan berkata orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan dan keimanan (kepada orang-orang yang kafir): "Sesungguhnya kamu telah berdiam (dalam kubur) menurut ketetapan Allah, sampai hari berbangkit; maka inilah hari berbangkit itu akan tetapi kamu selalu tidak meyakini(nya)". Menuntut ilmu bukan hanya kewajipan kaum lelaki. Perempuan juga diperintahkan untuk menuntut ilmu. Ada banyak kisah dalam sejarah Islam berkenaan dengan perempuan-perempuan solehah yang pandai sehingga menjadi rujukan umat, baik bagi lelaki mahupun sesama perempuan. Di antara tokoh perempuan yang menguasai banyak ilmu iaitu anak perempuan Sa'id bin Al-Musayyab.  Sa'id bin Al-Musayyab iaitu seorang ulama ynag terkemuka pada zamannya. Dia berani menolak untuk mengahwinkan anak perempuannya dengan salah seorang anak Amirul Mukminin, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, yang berkuasa pada ketika itu.  Bahkan, Sa'id bin Al-Musayyab mengahwinkan anak perempuannya dengan salah seorang anak muridnya


Pengertian Makhraj Makhraj adalah daripada perkataan Bahasa Arab (Kharaja) yang bermaksud tempat keluar. Ini bermakna,  Makraj Huruf = Tempat Keluar Huruf Jika dalam bahasa Inggeris dipanggil sebagai  pronunciation sumber: Makhraj huruf  ini secara Am nya terbahagi kepada 5 tempat: Al Halq - Halkum Asyafatain - Dua bibir Al lisan - Lidah Al Jauf - Rongga mulut Al Khaisyum - Rongga hidung maklumat lanjut boleh layari Jika hendak belajar lagi boleh juga tengok dekat Youtube di bawah: Sekarang teknologi semakin canggih, maka Google Play Store juga telah mempunyai aplikasi Makhraj Huruf ini  bagi pengguna Android. SELAMAT BELAJAR


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What is the main different between an ethical hacker and (malicious) attacker? Before we discuss the main different, we need to clearly understand what is an ethical hacker and (malicious) attacker means. The ethical hacker also is known as ‘white hat' who work or employed to protect systems and computer networks. Then a (malicious) attackers also known as 'Black hat' is unethical computer users who are motivated by feelings of power and petty revenge. [1] The ethical hacker or white hat also can describe as a talented computer and network who attack a security system on the behalf of its owners and seeking vulnerabilities that a malicious hacker could exploit. White hat security researcher who is breaking into a network or system with the purpose of testing and safety. Typically, activity breaks or network system was conducted to evaluate the level of security that can be offered in a system or network in an ethical manner and in accordance with legal channels cor