What is the main different between an ethical hacker and (malicious) attacker?

Before we discuss the main different, we need to clearly understand what is an ethical hacker and (malicious) attacker means. The ethical hacker also is known as ‘white hat' who work or employed to protect systems and computer networks. Then a (malicious) attackers also known as 'Black hat' is unethical computer users who are motivated by feelings of power and petty revenge. [1]

The ethical hacker or white hat also can describe as a talented computer and network who attack a security system on the behalf of its owners and seeking vulnerabilities that a malicious hacker could exploit. White hat security researcher who is breaking into a network or system with the purpose of testing and safety. Typically, activity breaks or network system was conducted to evaluate the level of security that can be offered in a system or network in an ethical manner and in accordance with legal channels correctly. A white hat appointed security specialist company or organization to find loopholes in the system. However, there are some that operate independently particularly do this activity as a hobby. Therefore, the role of the white hat is very important for the development of the system, many companies that offer rewards programs for any successful white hat found flaws (bug bounty program) in their products. Among the companies that often offer a reward for the discovery of system vulnerabilities, they are Google, Facebook, Mozilla, and Yahoo!

A "black hat" exploits these vulnerabilities for personal financial profit or compromising the security of major systems, or other malicious reasons, and shutting down & altering the functions of websites and networks. [2] Considered as criminals, black hat hackers are invading your system without any reason really strong. Black hat capitalizing on them to destroy, alter or steal data that is compromised the system. Hollow-security loopholes that have been discovered by this black cap will normally be allowed without informing the owner or developer of the system. In addition to the data, the black hat is also able to make a network cannot be accessed by the IT administrator who is responsible for the network concerned.

The main difference between ethical hacker and (malicious) attacker is the ethics, intentions, and permissions with target system owner. The second major difference is the intent of ethical hacking is to improve the target's system owner with discover vulnerabilities from a malicious attacker's. [3]

But need to remember that sometimes ethical hackers usually fall into the white-hat category, but sometimes they're former gray hats who have become security professionals and who now use their skills in an ethical manner. Based from the above explaining, I really agree these two criteria become the major difference is person intentions which can affect the person ethics and behavior, and second is the official permissions.



Unknown said…
Jarang tau nak post dalam english ni, sebab OH MY ENGLISH.. hihi

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