Now I'm try to understand more on cloud computing..still read, research and have to read more and more..
here the list security threats that become crucial in cloud:
here the list security threats that become crucial in cloud:
Brute Force Attack : technique
used to break passwords; it’s reliant on powerful computing capability because
thousands of possible passwords are needed to be sent to a target user’s
account until it finds the correct one to access.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attack : attempt
to disrupt a host or network resource in order to make legitimate users unable
to access the computer service.
Malware Injection Attacks: The two common forms are SQL
injection attack and cross-site scripting attack.
injections target SQL servers that run vulnerable database applications.
Hackers exploit the vulnerabilities of web servers and inject a malicious code
in order to bypass login and gain unauthorized access to backend databases
scripting (XSS): Hackers inject malicious scripts, such as JavaScript,
VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, and Flash, into a vulnerable dynamic web page to
execute the scripts on victim’s web browser.
Other Threats:
Data Breaches (Malicious Insider, Online Cyber Theft)
Wrapping Attack
Shared technology issues
Data loss or leakage
Account or service hijacking